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Our Stories

Kayla's Story

At age 5, I tried to heal my Grandpa's headache with my hands. It was a childhood filled with psychic phenomenon and supernatural events. The spiritual world made the calling, and I was not only happy to oblige, but simply fascinated! I have made a dedication to learn from the esoteric and holistic healing world and have more than 100 books I study from. With a life long journey of traveling the road less traveled, I have much wisdom and techniques to share. I have made connections with my past lives as healers and also past lives on other planets. I feel this  unique frequency from these connections affects my voice, my healing sessions and is felt in presence. 

Lee's Story

From a very young age I knew I had psychic abilities. My first physic memory was in first grade. I knew that my teacher’s chair was going to break before it happened, I knew exactly how it would look and how she would react. I continue to have psychic knowing today, in my every day life and interactions.  I can easily see people's auras.  I know things about people without ever having met them. I officially began my healing journey in 2018 when I got certified in reconnective healing, however I was using intention and energy to help those around me as long as I can remember.  More recently I began using tuning forks and singing bowls as a way to clear energetic disturbances and blockages in people’s auric fields (biofields). I have seen amazing results using both of these techniques and now I am ready to offer my services to the world.


We intend to provide people with more soul expansion and more moments of peace so that the frequency ripples out to create a New Earth. 

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